Welcome to the Women's Ministry of Tri-Cities Baptist Church

We are so excited that you have stopped by to visit with us. It is the heart's desire of the TCBC women's ministry to minister to the women both at TCBC and in our community in a way that honors our Lord, Jesus Christ. Titus 2 instructs the older women to teach what is good to the younger women and we hope that the TCBC women's ministry will be a place for that teaching to take place. We seek to offer opportunities for women from all ages, stages, and walks of life to interact and minister to each other.

Through the various ministry opportunities and events we hope to encourage the women of TCBC to grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and in how to be a Christian woman in today's world.

Feel free to browse around and familiarize yourself with the events and Bible studies available to you at TCBC. We invite you to also subscribe to our feed via your email to receive news and updates on all events and studies currently being offered. From time to time we may also use this site to allow you to sign up for events. We will also communicate changes, offer opportunities for feedback and inquire from each of you as to how we may better serve your needs. Thank you again for visiting the Women's Ministry of Tri-Cities Baptist Church and may God richly bless each of you as you daily seek to follow Him.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

TCBC Women Share Food, Fun and Fellowship

Summer is a busy time for all of us. For me, a teacher, I think it was designed to allow me time for rest and relaxation...ha! I think I was born with roller skates on! Seriously! It's hard for me to "slow down". Anyone else like me? It's good to get away for a while, even from the husband and kids, to just spend time with other Christian women. Personally, I'm all about what I call "GNO's"...you know...."Girls Night Out"! The Lord tells us to "Be still and know that HE is God". It's getting to that "be still" part that gets me every time. That opportunity was afforded to us recently at a picnic for the ladies of our church. Ladies were invited to come alone or to bring the kids along and let them play with children of other ladies. The food was no problem as the ladies each brought in some of their favorite potluck dishes. (I sampled a few desserts that I'm sure my Weight Watcher leader would raise her eyebrows at...but she wasn't there, now was she, and boy were they good! ) The food was great, but the highlight of the evening was hearing from three of our ladies as they shared what the Lord had done in their lives in various situations. Linda Tanner shared her testimony of going from having "it all" to "losing it all". She shared her heart with us as to what really makes a person "happy". It all comes back to Jesus and without him possessions leave a hollow, empty feeling. Christ is the only one that can feel the void our hearts possess. Linda shared how faithful the Lord has been through their financial struggles and in the life of their son, Bradley, after a frightening health scare. Following Linda we were blessed to hear from Judy Harrison who shared her story of a mysterious bought with "kidney failure". She kept a journal of her stay in the hospital and shared her day-by-day thoughts with us. What I came away with after hearing her incredible story was that although she had concerns, she also had great peace. What a gift we have as believers to experience such peace in the midst of crisis. I loved the "praise" factor that was present in all of the entries. Remember Job and all of his woes? He refused to curse God and die as his friends and wife encouraged him to do. What a praise that she is doing so well and the Lord was so faithful to "show up and show off" in the hospital. (I was also impressed with her bicycling excursions. I tried that once, Judy, in Cades Cove and a bear was involved....no more for me!) We concluded the evening by hearing from Stephanie Kitts. Stephanie shared how the Lord took her relationship with her husband Tim from shaky ground to a firm foundation built on him. After a time of separation, God restored their relationship and they continue to serve the Lord together with their two beautiful daughters Emily and Olivia. If time had permitted us, I'm sure there were countless other stories sitting in that picnic shelter. Perhaps in the future we'll be blessed to hear more of them and see again just how faithful a God we serve. Won't you consider joining us for our next ladies event? Expect to leave with your cup not just full but overflowing! Invite someone you know that isn't already a part of the women's ministry. Invite a neighbor, a co-worker, a family member. I met some new ladies at the event and I always enjoy making a new friend or spending time with someone I already know. There's always something "new" you can learn about your sisters in Christ and always something you can share! ( ...and always a forbidden dessert or two to indulge in!)

LuAnn Walker

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing with us LuAnn! What a fun an encouraging time that was.
